Getting Ready for Daycare Video Do you need to take your child to Daycare? Here is a video we made about trasitioning to daycare with tips to make it go more smoothly. Latest Blog Posts How, exactly do I help families get better sleep? I regularly get asked the question of how, exactly I… Read More June 3, 2024 […]
Newborn Survival Tips Video No one told you sleep deprivation would feel like this. Here is a video we made to discuss some tips to survive the delicate newborn stage. Latest Blog Posts How, exactly do I help families get better sleep? I regularly get asked the question of how, exactly I… Read More June 3, 2024 When […]
What's the most common sleep issue?

The most common sleep issue I see has nothing to do with how awesome a parent you are, but everything to do with the temperament of your child. Alert temperament can cause a child to have a difficult time settling into sleep. As a result, to foster a secure connection, you are nursing or feeding […]
Schedules: Finding the right one for your baby
Let’s talk about baby sleep schedules. I am suggesting that instead of putting your baby on a schedule, you find your baby’s natural schedule. Our bodies all have a body clock called our circadian rhythm and it is heavily influenced by the sun, our mealtimes and the timing of our daytime sleep cycles. There isn’t […]
Recorded May 23rd, 2019If you can’t sleep because your Baby can’t sleep or your Toddler doesn’t sleep, Tracy Spackman will share with you the top 6+ reasons why they don’t sleep and practical advice about what you can do about it. Tracy can help your family sift through all the sleep advice out there and […]
4 Year Old’s Early Rising
I was emailed a question about a 4 year old who was a great sleeper but now keeps waking up at 5:30 am. Read my tips here on my blogger blog. Do you have a baby that is early rising? Tell me all about it. I will have some tips for you too. Latest Blog […]
Sleeping Baby Face Down Question
s I get this question a lot about baby sleeping face down and is it ok, what do you do, how can we keep the baby safe?Here is my blog post about it on blogger. Latest Blog Posts How, exactly do I help families get better sleep? I regularly get asked the question of how, […]
Sleep regressions, What are they?
Sleep regressions. I see questions about them all the time. What are they? A sleep regression is usually when there is a developmental milestone. When do they happen? The 4 month sleep regression can be a big one. It happens first and can come in hard. The brain changes and sleep is becoming a learned […]
I made the cut! I'm in the Top Sleep Consultants in the US.
Tuck ( recently published a list of the top sleep consultants in the United States and told me made the cut! They looked at certifications held, overall customer sentiment and more. At first when I ready their email, I thought another company wanted to sell me SEO services. (I get that a lot but don’t need it.) But […]
Nominate a Sleep Deprived Crazy Momma of Arizona 2017
1. Click the above link to Nominate a Sleep Deprived Crazy Momma of Arizona who is sleep deprived but can’t afford to get personalize help. Tell us a little about what is going on to make her so sleep deprived (must be baby related). And tell me why she is a great mom! I don’t […]