
Daylight Savings and Sleep Shifting

Daylight savings changes are around the corner for many families and I’ve been helping families prepare for this change. Your 6:30 wake up is about to become a 5:30 wake up. Yikes!   Or maybe you have a 5:30 wake up and a 5:30-6pm bedtime and want to shift everything forward.  Totally Understandable! The easiest […]

Sleep Success Comment or Question-Post it on my facebook page

I’m a gentle sleep coach and I love getting comments like this… “Tracy, we have had a week of Pierce sleeping 11 hours each night. He is waking up happy every morning and going down happy each night! It has been wonderful for all of us to get full nights sleep again! Thank you for […]

Need Sleep? Tips for Early Rising

I talk to parents about this topic all the time and I know, it’s so hard when you are experiencing early rising. Rise and Shine: Tips for Early Rising By Kim West, The Sleep Lady Mornings for some of you, it seems, begin as early as 4 AM as others of you lounge around until 9 AM […]

Rise and Shine! Daylight Savings Tips

I wanted to share this great article from Kim West the Sleep Lady It’s October already! Fall weather, sweaters, pumpkins, crisp air and chilly nights. I love it. This month’s article about early rising should be helpful given the time change we made at the beginning of this month. With the sun rising earlier now room […]