Is your toddler climbing out of the crib?
Is your toddler climbing out of the crib? Are they losing sleep and up all nap/night with you bringing him/her back to bed? Are you thinking of transitioning to a bed instead? Hold that thought! The important question is, Is he/she still under 2.5 years old? There is a level of cognitive […]
To bathe or not to bathe at bedtime, that is the question.
Do you give your little one a bath at bedtime? Or books? Songs and kisses? There was a small study done that showed that the children who got a bath 30 minutes before bed had an easier time going to bed. But why? Was it the consistancy of the regular routine? Did it […]
When should my baby be sleeping through the night?
There seems to be a lot of pressure on moms to have a quiet, sleeping through the night baby at a very young age. But in fact this is just not normal. It’s not about weight, or even weeks, it’s about developmental readiness and temperment. In and around the 4th month of age there […]
How do you improve naps in 4-5 month old babies? (If I don't hold him, he won't sleep.)
How do you improve naps in 4-5 month old babies? (If I don’t hold him, he won’t sleep.) Getting enough day sleep any way possible is the building block for night time sleep and sleep skills. Night time sleep skills is the building block for daytime sleep skills. Especially in alert babies. Maximize day […]