Epsom Salts! Can it fix…Acting out, Biting, acting violent…
Talking with a wise friend today, she shared a great parenting tip. Epsom salts. If you have a child that is acting out, biting, acting violent and you don’t know where these behaviors could possibly be coming from, perhaps they are low in magnesium which increases anxiety and causes discomfort in their bodies. She was […]
My baby likes me better when…
My baby likes me better when… 1. I come to him as soon as he calls for me in the morning 2. I pay attention to his sleep cues and put him to sleep before he’s overtired. 3. I nurse and cuddle him before his nap since he doesn’t have day time sleep skills yet. […]
Are you keeping a log?
Have you ever heard the expression, “Return and Report”. It means to get the job done and then report the progress or completion to your superiors or others who need to know. This helps us keep track of progress. We do it for work, health and goals. It’s very important in sleep coaching. After […]
Moving to a new house this summer? Worried your child will be scared of their new room?
Any change in a child’s sleep environment can effect sleep. It’s so important to keep things consistent, especially if they are just learning to master sleep skills. For example, if you use white noise (which I love), turn it on when your child starts falling asleep. Then continue to play it all night. If […]
I'm the first to admit that it's "OK" to ask for help. With sleep training, potty training, even personal training.
This week I asked my 13 year old son to be my personal trainer. (I need some serious help) I told him I would give him $10 if he could get me to work out 15 min a day 5 days each week. Each consecutive week, I would increase it by $1. It was hard […]
Tenacious, spirited, alert babies grow up to be smart, driven, go-getters.
Tenacious, spirited, alert babies grow up to be smart, driven, go-getters. Meet my son Christian. Frequent night waking until sleep trained around 13 months old. (I waited so long and was at the end of my rope). I wish I had known then what I know now as a gentle sleep coach. I needed a […]
Does teaching babies to sleep in the dark spoil their chances of being able to fall/stay asleep in dim or lit environments later in life?
No. That is a common misconception. If your baby is able to sleep in loud, bright places- fantastic, you have an easier baby than some others. It’s fine. If you struggle to get your baby to sleep, that is a different story. A baby sleeps easier in a completely dark room. Just like adults. Especially […]
What's with the 4 month sleep disaster?
Great Question: Tracy Spackman, my DD was a decent sleeper up until about the 4 ish month stage. Now at 5 months, she has a harder time falling asleep now, and only naps for very short periods during the day, why? Yes, around the 4 the month, there is tons of brain development. Like […]
What is a sleep coach?
What is a sleep coach? A sleep coach is a parenting counselor who specializes in sleep. Like Kim West. I trained with Kim West. Or rather, I am trained by Kim West. Now, I teach parents gentle methods to help with their baby sleep goals. It’s different than a sleep trainer who goes into homes […]
I love getting emails like this! Another success story-17 months old
I love getting emails like this! Hi Tracy! How are you? Long time, no talk which in your line of business isn’t a bad thing 😉 I never began my 2 weeks of follow up calls with you because Hailey responded very well to some of the changes we made during the day. Per your […]