
Get Quiet Nights

Tracy Spackman | Infant & Toddler Sleep Coach

Getting Ready for Daycare Video Do you need to take your child to Daycare?  Here is a video we made about trasitioning to daycare with tips to make it go more smoothly. Latest Blog Posts How, exactly do I help families get better sleep? I regularly get asked the question of how, exactly I… Read More June 3, 2024 […]

Newborn Survival Tips Video No one told you sleep deprivation would feel like this.  Here is a video we made to discuss some tips to survive the delicate newborn stage. Latest Blog Posts How, exactly do I help families get better sleep? I regularly get asked the question of how, exactly I… Read More June 3, 2024 When […]

What's the most common sleep issue?

The most common sleep issue I see has nothing to do with how awesome a parent you are, but everything to  do with the temperament of your child. Alert temperament can cause a child to have a difficult time settling into sleep.  As a result, to foster a secure connection, you are nursing or feeding […]

Pacifier Plan for a 2-year Old Sleep Regression

Question from Ashley:“My son turned 2 at the end of December and for the last few weeks we’ve been having some early morning issues. At least 2-3 times a week he wakes up like 1.5-2.5 hours earlier than normal. He wakes up asking for me and/or his pacifier. The first time it happened I tried […]

Free Newborn Coping Tips Valentine’s Day is just a couple weeks away and to show you some love, I am doing FREE newborn coping tip calls.  Many moms who talk to me about their young babies are so relieved that following their instincts is healthy.   Call me to share your concerns. To get you started, here is […]