
Get Quiet Nights

Tracy Spackman | Infant & Toddler Sleep Coach

Is it too late to sleep coach your child?

A common question I get asked is “Is it too late to sleep train my child?” Well, if your child is 40, maybe you need more than my help. Lol. But seriously, 6-9 months is the easiest (4.5 – 6 months can be easier if you are very careful and use specialize responsive methods like […]

My latest question was "How exactly do you help us get sleep?"

My latest question was “How exactly do you help us get sleep?” Great Question! First I can give you a free call for a few minutes to talk about what is going on with your child’s sleep. Then, you choose a package from my website, I send you a sleep history questionnaire to fill out […]

Sleep Success Comment or Question-Post it on my facebook page

I’m a gentle sleep coach and I love getting comments like this… “Tracy, we have had a week of Pierce sleeping 11 hours each night. He is waking up happy every morning and going down happy each night! It has been wonderful for all of us to get full nights sleep again! Thank you for […]

What Is the Best Sleep Coaching Method for My Child??

Are you a tired Parent?  Is your baby not sleeping?  There is a great blog post by Kim West I wanted to share where she talks about the different sleep coaching methods.  I like to use the gentlest method possible that fits a family’s personal situation and no 2 plans are exactly the same.  The […]

Your Baby won't Sleep? You get a Personalized approach to sleep coaching.

Your Baby won’t Sleep? You get a Personalized approach to sleep coaching. Talk to a real person who knows how to teach your child to Fall asleep and STAY Asleep All Night!   Gentle methods only.  Kim West the Sleep Lady Trained and Certified. School has started back up, routines are being reestablished, and I am […]

Need Sleep?

Many families call me because their child wakes up repeatedly every night. Does this happen to you? Do you rock or bounce them only to finally bring them to bed with you or give them a bottle when you would like to wean them from night feeding? Does your baby wake before 6am? Does it […]