
Get Quiet Nights

Tracy Spackman | Infant & Toddler Sleep Coach

IMG_0611January 10, 2016 at 3:19pm Taken from the Facebook Group Sleep Sisters Get Quiet Nights
Nancy: Ladies, I need you! I’m needing to prove to my husband that Tracy Spackman is worth every penny!!! If you have used her sleep coaching methods will you, please tell me your thoughts! He’s like at the price and I’m like every two hours, every night!! I need this! I don’t mind sacrificing somethings else in order to pay for this but he needs some convincing! Thank you!!
Ashley: There is no price for the gift of sleep!! I haven’t used her but anything to help is worth it…I mean they use sleep deprivation as a war tactic because it is hell! I hired a night nanny for my twins and I am now sleep training using the book “healthy sleep habits, happy twins” there is a single version too called “healthy sleep habits, happy child” I am in day 3 of training and wow, it is totally working!!!
Lindsey:  Have your husband wake up with your baby every couple hours for a week, maybe he’ll change his mind!! Btw went with Tracy with my 18-month old last month. My son was waking 5 times a night easy and requiring a feeding while sleeping with me and my husband. My son now is on his on crib and sleeping through the night. One wake up here or there but drastically different. No feedings either. Everyone including you and your baby needs better sleep. You’ll literally feel like a different person. It’s amazing and life changing. I didn’t believe it until my sister and with her and I saw the results and decided to make a change myself. It’s expensive but truly is worth it. There’s different packages. Maybe try to swing the middle package seemed to work just fine for us.
Amy: Tracy changed our lives! We were exhausted and within 2 weeks were getting so much more sleep! Do it! It’s the best money you will spend!
Sarah:  I agree, it’s the best thing you’ll ever spend your money on. Because you get your sanity back!!!
Sarah:  Saved my life. Didn’t sleep train with my first until 21 months. Felt like I was dying at that point. After a few nights, the whole family was sleeping soundly. Couldn’t have done it without Tracy Spackman!
Loren: My hubby was skeptical but now tells everyone it was the best money we’ve ever spent. Baby sleeps 730-730 most nights Still naps 2 x a day and even maintains schedule majority of the time through transitions including teething. (He woke a few nights but back to normal within a week)
Liana:  My husband felt the same way, so I equated to a few nights in a hotel …. Vs. Permanent sleep solution! If I would have known then what I know now, 1. I would have done it sooner and 2. I would have paid double!!!
Flora:  I agree completely with Liana. Tracy helped our daughter whose little guy had multiple health issues coupled with severe sleeping problems. I was hesitant to think that Tracy could even help. To say the results were miraculous is almost an understatement. She is definitely worth the money! I almost cry when I think about how much she has helped our family. I, too, wish we had used Tracy much, much earlier.
Jennifer: Is there somewhere I can find out how much the packages cost?
Nancy: There is a website. Google her. I will try to find it
Jennifer: Awesome! Thank you!
Tracy Spackman:  Jennifer, we can start with a free 15-minute call. I’m available in the evenings or message me or text me your number and I will call you when I have a break during the day tomorrow. 602-524-7610
Jennifer: That would be great!
Nancy: I’m crying guys. Maybe over emotional, maybe extreme sleep deprivation, but I’m so inspired.
Inzer:  She also offers group classes for $75.
Nancy: I’m not Local.
Kristi:  Best money spent ever! It’s such a gentle way of getting them to sleep and tell him it will give you guys more alone time.
Rosalind: My son was like yours – up every 1.5-2 hours then nurse back to sleep every time. Night 1 he fell asleep in 20 minutes and by night 3 he slept for 10 hours straight. Worth every penny.
Tracy Spackman: I love everyone’s comments. Thank you. There are many pages of success stories on my website. Look for the ones about the family with 6 kids not sleeping. Those are amazing. I just cut and paste comments like this that families send me.  (The link to take you to the next page of success stories on the site is a tiny “>>” in blue. I don’t know how to make it say “next page”.)
Nancy: I’m just waiting on my husband to check into his hotel so we can get the ball rolling! He read the testimonials on his plane ride! Now waiting to hear his response!!
Kelly: I have not used her. She sounds great! But there is no price to put on your sanity and your relationships including your husbands!!!!! Sleep training was the best thing we’ve ever done
Niki: Her method works and it’s life changing. The best money we’ve spent on our baby/family. We spend so much money on baby stuff that you don’t really need when sleep effects your (and baby’s) health, mood and relationship. I would rather save the money for sleep training then a baby swing.
Alexia:  We did it when my son was 10 months old!!! It was great, amazing actually…life changing!!! My little one was never a good sleeper, we ended up bed sharing for months, he would not sleep in his crib for more than 2 hrs a night and he had to be in a sleep coma…He was always waking up a couple of times a night but after our trip to Greece it was 6 times a night. So I didn’t have any other option, I was the one waking up at night and I had to sleep in his room. It took me a week after I talked to Tracy to start it because I was scared of the whole process as I am against CIO. From the first night of the training, he slept the whole night in the crib and from then on, it got better and better. We had ups and downs, early wakings etc and he was waking up once a night until he was 18 months old but I would put him in the crib awake and he would fall asleep on his own and sleep well…So once a night was amazing…!!! Since he turned 18 months he has started to sleep without wake ups…!!! I would do it again in a heartbeat…Good Luck.
Ashley: You can’t pour from an empty cup. My cup was empty ( sleep deprived) then I meet Tracy and my son started sleeping12 hrs a night. Worth it
Lindsey: I was in your same place with my 5-month old who was waking every two hours. My husband knows I’m a pretty strong person and can handle a lot, but the sleep thing wasn’t working for me at all. The morning of my birthday I melted down, I was sobbing because of how exhausted I was and told him to take back anything he got me and all I wanted was to work with Tracy. So I guess in a way I let him see a side of me that he NEVER sees so that he knew how much it was impacting me.
You could also really play to what your husband values. I talked to him about how Tracy’s information is founded in research and understanding the biology of sleep and that it’s not as natural of a process as we sometimes think it to be. This helped him see the science behind it instead of seeing it as counseling or something along those lines.
Of course now, he says it’s the best money we ever spent.
Lori: I used a different person but similar method and my boyfriend thought it was nuts but I was at the end of my rope! Sleep deprivation was killing me and us and I wanted my baby to get good sleep. At 4 1/2 months, her waking up 10-12 times a night was looney! It was hands down THE BEST money I ever spent. Our baby now sleeps 11-13 hours a night and life became bearable. When we have sleep blips, I have a clear plan to refer to and feel much more confident and not so hopeless. DO it!!
Melissa: Life changing! For us (the parents) the key to success was setting ourselves up for success. We took a lot of time to study the techniques, have our plan, go over our plan, and to get 100% on the same page (mom+dad). Then we made sure to clear our schedule for like 7-10 days so we knew we could focus exclusively on sleep coaching when it was needed. Then we started and within 1-2 days we saw BIG results and within 4-5 days we were sleeping through the night. Insane!! My husband is not one to spend on “luxuries” but he is Tracy’s biggest advocate. When I say we would have paid 10x what she asks if we had known how awesome the results would be – I would not be exaggerating!!! Good luck!
Sedona: I also used a sleep coach with both my kids. Expensive, but worth every penny. Only caveat I would make is to make sure your baby doesn’t have any medical conditions that could get in the way. My second had very bad reflux so wasn’t able to sleep as long as quickly as my first. Feeding her smaller amounts more often actually helped her reflux which meant keeping our night feeds much longer than usual.
Meghna: Happy wife = Happy life. If you’re sleep-deprived, your immune system takes a beating and you get sick more often. If you get sick, your husband will have to take time off work to take care of the baby: $$. If you get sick, your milk supply will suffer. More $$. And you’ve heard of the stories of sleep-deprived parents so tired that they miss their footing and fall down the stairs, breaking various bones? My husband actually almost brushed his teeth with his razor one morning, even putting toothpaste on it! Besides, isn’t HE getting up with the baby as well? If not, why not? He won’t understand unless he takes an equal share of the parenting chores. My husband was—and is—constantly traveling, so for us it was a no-brainer. I started with the lowest tier, but within a day I was so utterly grateful for how much Tracy Spackman was helping us that neither my husband nor I batted an eyelash while we upgraded. I have friends whose babies slept much better than mine, or who took to other sleep-training methods, but mine needed Tracy Spackman’s help, and we’ve never regretted it. When my second son came along, it wasn’t even a discussion: my husband turned to me at the 2-month mark and asked, “So when are we calling Tracy?” LOL.
Nancy:  How many days did it take for you? I have a very attached 9-month old.
Meghna: Nancy, Well, I sleep-trained at 5 months. My older son took 10 days, and my younger took 2 – 2.5 weeks.
Carolyn: My husband and daughter were both like your husband and baby. We did a group session which cost significantly less and was very helpful. Our daughter wouldn’t sleep in her crib and was waking us every 45 minutes. I literally went crazy. Tracy helped us coach her and now she likes her crib and wakes 1-2 times per night. So much better!
Update: (January 11 at 12:58pm)
Nancy:  Well here we go! I spoke with Tracy Spackman and we came up with the perfect plan for my sweet baby boy. She taught me so much that my mind could explode. Tonight will be our first night of sleep coaching. My husband is out of town. I’m excited and very nervous. I need this to work!

4 Responses

  1. I used Tracy and her methods are amazing! Within 3 weeks we got our 6 month old in a groove and ever since then he is an INCREDIBLE sleeper!! I’m sure your hubby knows the benefits of being a well rested adult – but what he may not know if how crucial it is for little ones to get 12-13 hours in a row to aid brain development. There is no other time in life where more growth takes place than early childhood. They need sleep and they need YOUR gentle coaching to guide them to healthy sleep habits. This method is non traumatic and the most natural transition to your LO sleeping in their own room all night!

  2. I never got to use Tracy’s advice- mainly because the first thing she told me to do was to consult an ENT. My little guy was waking constantly, snoring, and making me crazy. It turns out that his nasal passageway was blocked almost 100% by enlarged adenoids. Tracy caught this when two different pediatricians missed it. Based on this alone, her fee was worth it.