
Get Quiet Nights

Tracy Spackman | Infant & Toddler Sleep Coach

Tracy talk to Merci Gilbert groupI speak to the Breast Feeding support groups at Mercy Gilbert Hospital and Chandler Regional Hospital every couple of months. I love talking to these mom’s and dispelling the myths about sleep coaching and nursing.  A common question I get asked is how much sleep should my baby get?  Well it varies by age and from Child to Child.  I put together a fridge magnet to share to give them a starting guideline but it’s more about watching for sleep cues, getting enough sleep cycles in a day for your baby’s age and needs.  It’s probably more than you think.  A typical 6 month old can have 3 naps a day and then sleep 12 hours at night. That would be very healthy and normal.  By 9 months the 3rd nap gets dropped and the baby can go a longer wakeful window at the end of the day. (But not likely longer than 4 hours.) Around 18 months, your baby will be ready to transition to 1 nap.  The afternoon nap is typically the one that stays and the 4 hour window at the end of the day stays.  It’s the wakeful time before that gets longer.  Nap transitions don’t usually happen quickly.  That last nap can stick around until age 3-5. Every baby is different.  I hope this helps.  Call me if you want personal assistance or you would like me to come speak to your group or do a workshop.  Find me on Facebook