
Get Quiet Nights

Tracy Spackman | Infant & Toddler Sleep Coach

1. Click the above link to Nominate a Sleep Deprived Crazy Momma of Arizona who is sleep deprived but can’t afford to get personalize help. Tell us a little about what is going on to make her so sleep deprived (must be baby related). And tell me why she is a great mom! I don’t need to hear about her financial details but keep in mind that this is for a mom in need. Post your nomination in the comments.
2.The nominated mom should be a member of my local sleep group so please join the group.

3. I will be counting likes for each nomination. Feel free to comment on the nomination with your support. Likes and Comments will help sway the decision to pick the winner.
4. Please include a cute photo of the sleep challenged baby that you don’t mind being used for future posts and tips on my sites. All photos will be saved and some will be used for tips and blog posts.
5. The winner will receive the premium package sleep consultation that was donated by a local mom.
Includes: Sleep history to fill out, videos to watch, an hour phone consultation, up to 6 follow up calls and 2 weeks of unlimited texting for quick questions.
6. The nominator of the winner will get a free pass to a future sleep class. No expiry date.
7. I plan to choose the winner by Thanksgiving so we can get her sleeping by Christmas.
Update: THE WINNER IS… Brittany Marie With 48 likes/loves and lots of comments of support! Brittany Marie wins a premium Consultation. It was so close that I would also like to offer Michelle Letterly a basic Consultation and Maranda Shaw gets a mini consultation to help support her. I hope all these amazing Mommas can get sleep by Christmas. Thanks for all your support. Karen Hazelton Gable was the nominator of the winner so she wins a free pass to the next sleep class if she needs it. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!