
My baby likes me better when…twins sleeping throught the night baby
1. I come to him as soon as he calls for me in the morning
2. I pay attention to his sleep cues and put him to sleep before he’s overtired.
3. I nurse and cuddle him before his nap since he doesn’t have day time sleep skills yet.
4. I close the curtains for his nap. He likes to sleep in the dark, just like me.
5. When he wakes up after 30 minutes, I snuggle him back to sleep and hold him for a while so he can finish his nap in my arms (he doesn’t have daytime sleep skills yet and he needs 45 minutes to feel rested.)
6. I feed him when he wakes up from his nap. His tummy is small and needs to eat frequently.
7. I talk to him and tell him what I’m going to do next. I’m not sure if he understands but I think he does.
8. I watch the clock so I can be watching his body language for his next sleep window. If I catch his tired signs, he seems happy to nap and less frustrated.
9. I sing to him. I want him to feel safe.
10. I put off sleep training him until he is ready. No rush.

I was thinking about a 4-9 month old baby when I wrote this.
If you are ready for sleep coaching and you think your baby is ready to learn sleep skills, Give me a call.
Tracy Spackman
Certified Gentle Sleep Coach